Deep Tissue Massage Technique

Deep Tissue Massage treats the superficial and deep layers of the muscles in the body. The treatment is used to open blockages resulting from contracted muscles, and most importantly, the treatment is particularly effective in helping the patient understand the source of the pain.

Unlike other massages, deep tissue massage is based on a holistic concept, which sees a connection between recognition and understanding of the skeletal and muscular system on the one hand and body and mind on the other. The method is based on a central assumption that the muscles in the human body have the ability to store energy, to preserve muscle memory from past traumas. These feelings and memories are expressed in the formation of pain. The goal of the treatment, besides alleviating the physical pain, is to allow the patient to get to the root of the problem emotionally and locate the connection between the emotions and the physical pain. The patient will understand that the body used physical and emotional protection, which is expressed in pain, which is a symptom of the body designed to create protection. The goal of the treatment is to allow the patient to understand that a state of release of the muscles will be possible by understanding the source of the formation of the pain.

Deep Tissue Massage is very effective in situations where there is chronic pain that accompanies the patient for a long time. The flow of blood and the unique technique in which the massage is performed lead to the cleansing of the muscles from acids, balance of the nervous system including the vagus nerve responsible for the digestive system, hormonal balance and a feeling of deep well-being. All these will lead For a huge and sometimes really immediate improvement for digestion problems, chronic pain, back problems including disc herniations, neck pain and migraines as well as relief and even healing for depression, anxiety and feelings of alienation.

The massage is performed mainly by using body weight and elbows and combines work on pressure points and trigger points to revitalize the muscles.

The course itself combines all the aspects required for a deep understanding of this technique and the acquisition of personal tools for developing physical and emotional abilities in order to work properly and thrive as massage therapists.

Detailed Course Info

*At the end of each course graduates will be awarded a Therapist Certificate in Deep Tissue Massage*

Lecture Content

Back Massage

- What is Deep tissue massage and it's purpose
- The back muscles
- The muscular system
- Muscle layers and functions
- How different parts represent different emotional aspects
- Back pathologies

Leg Massage

- Leg muscles
- Knees
- Observations and understanding in a Holistic view
- Practical reflexology
- Pathologies

Abdominal, Chest and Hand Massage

- Abdominal and chest massage
- Muscles and Holistic view
- Emotional work, how we combine emotional support in our treatment
- Visualization and Breathing exercises
- Therapist patient relationships

Neck, Head and Facial Massage

- Neck and hands
- Muscles and Holistic view- Pathologies
- Facial and head massage
- Full body massage practice
- Physical and emotional Pathologies
- How to build a specific treatment plan for your clients