Imagine yourself today as a grown-up, who throughout childhood, You received loving care and support through a gentle massage that had the ability to relax and balance your nervous system and made you feel contained and protected. Made you feel like you are being seen.

How different could your life today have been?

Less trauma, less back pain, less stress and more loved and belonging.

We invite parents, therapists and healers to come and join us

To learn how to support children suffering from stress and anxiety, allergies, night wetness and restlessness, learning disabilities, eating disorders, trauma and lack of self-confidence.

Course Program

This technique is aiming to bring healing and well-being to children between the ages of 3 to 10 years. The participants will gain a wide range of knowledge of all subjects related to childhood.

Topics include:

  • The child as a developing being -Holistic in depth understending of childhood

  • The understending of trauma - from birth onwards

  • Autism , Epilepsy and learning disabilities in holistic observation.

  • The Touch Therapy itself - several massage modalities to address different needs

  • Four consecutive days -accomodations available

The students will practice the massage techniques during the course on each other.

Read the course syllabus here

Click on your preferred course location below to learn more
